Saturday, August 22, 2009

CDD Class Report Walden 8-15-09

Walden House /08-15-2009

Opening Comments:
Class started on time with most of the students getting in on time. Greg arrived at 11:40am and was marked absent but stayed for the remainder of class.
We had 6 students in attendance, Greg included.

Austin took roll and briefly went over the topics we were going to cover that day. Austin went over the final paper and presentation, and prepared the class for how presentations should be delivered and that feedback would be given as well. Austin scheduled Albert, Tony, and Michael for presentations on Tuesday.

Eric introduced the Internet as a concept, that the internet is how computers connect with each other. I emphasized that it is a public collection of information, similar to a library, and that this information was best accessed through search engines like Google.

We covered the relevant information in the manual, showing how browsers are a window into the internet. Because most of the students are restricted, Austin served as a demonstrator while I continued the lecture and suggested different types of searches. We used various examples to illustrate (1) the vast range of information available and (2) the importance of being as specific as possible when inputting words in the search box.
We went on a short 10-minute break after that.

All students worked on papers for the entire lab time. Both Austin and Eric worked one-on-one with students. Albert worked a bit on his paper, but is mostly done. Greg is still working on his paper and he will need close attention to be kept on task during Tuesday's lab (he tends to ramble with his writing). Mario is doing steady, quality work, and is about halfway finished and while he does work well independently, he benefits from check-ins and also he has trouble keeping his files organized. Tony, I think, has completed his paper. Michael still has a lot to write, I think, but he is motivated and might be ready to present on Tuesday. I'm not sure exactly where Johnny is, but I am confident he will need close one-on-one direction. My recommendation is that, in Tuesday's class, one teacher makes sure Johnny is on track, and one teacher makes sure Greg is on track. I could see them each needing 15-20 minutes of one-on-one time.

We were unable to log into the staff computer and thus we were not able to print any papers. Austin had a floppy disk and we made backup copies. In writing this, I realize that Mario was typing, and not writing his paper, and thus we need to make sure we get him a printed copy of his paper by Tuesday. Otherwise, I think everyone else is either finished with the paper or has a written version. I think. :-)

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