Saturday, August 15, 2009

CDD Class Report Uhuru 8-11-09

House of Uhuru 8-11-09

Marie arrived early and wrote key points of review from Module 1 second half, as well as agenda on the whiteboard. Misty took attendance and lead the first part of the review.

Review of part 1 Module 2, and some elements of MS Word were gone over. Students were quizzed and more review was needed. Students were well versed in Word however, and said that Ethan had done an excellent job of explaining formatting, deleting, backspacing etc. Students were asked to edit their title pages per the lesson plan that Misty was reading from, and so we spent time doing so.

There was some confusion over what was to be covered and time began to run out for the review and new material time allotted. To make sure that we did not run out of time for the test, it was given immediately after the break before lab time and the part 2 of module 2 was taught. All students did well on the test (review was done first) We only made it to page 41, and used a lot of lab time to cover new topics, but used the practice list at the end of the module as a guide. Because much of this material was rushed, I don’t think the students really got it.

See 2nd topic above.

Students were reminded to hand write their papers so that they could work on them out of class, and that they really needed to use lab time to practice module material and not just Mavis Beacon because many of them were still struggling with basics. Extra time was spent with Jerry, Dexter on these basics. Jerry is in a GED class as well and so hopes to be improving soon with his literacy (he openly discussed this with Misty). Dexter did well on his test , and based on his pre-test verbal responses, I reviewed with him the 2 mistakes he made based on possible dyslexia – he had only missed the two answers that looked very similar in wording but that verbally he had answered correctly - “inner circuit board” and “image circuit board”.

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