Sunday, August 2, 2009

CDD Class Report Cri-Help 8-1-09

Cri-Help/Aug. 1st, 2009

Opening Comments:

We did not have any incidents during Saturday‘s class. Everyone was on his or her best behavior.


We had five students in attendance. Four of them showed up 5 minutes late. Someone from the staff had previously informed us that they would be a few minutes late b/c they were downstairs talking to the staff.


I introduced myself and explained that I was there substituting for Robert. Then I introduced Lindsay and explained that she will be replacing Ethan. Everyone liked her right away. I gave a brief overview of the day’s agenda. I wrote on the board that the outline is due next Tuesday and they need to have it ready by the end of the day.


I asked students if they had any questions from the previous class. They did not. We quickly reviewed the first half of M1 and then we covered the 2nd half of M1. We talked about the help menu, working with a window, maximizing, minimizing, restoring etc. I explained the difference between an application and a document using a kitchen and a dish analogy; the kitchen being the application and the dish the document. We discuss the importance of shutting down the computer properly, and the difference between stand by mode, restart, and shut down.


Lindsay covered the next six computer discovery terms. She asked students to take turns reading the next item to be discussed. Everyone was enthusiastic about participating. She covered up to number 12. Students complemented her on her teaching style and gave her a round of applause when she finished with the CD terms.


The first half hour, we worked on the outline. I helped Violet and Jerry. Lindsay worked with Morris. Adan had a little bit of trouble coming up with ideas for his outline but promised to have it ready on Tuesday. Adan was called downstairs and he came back with a signed note from the staff asking us to release him 30 minutes early because he had to meet with his counselor. He left at 12:30. Morris, Violet and Jerry had hand-written outlines ready by the end of class. The last 30 minutes, we had the students demonstrate that they could do the suggested exercises one by one. Open the Recycle bin, create, delete, restore a folder etc. All five students demonstrated this to Lindsay and me. After that, we had them open the MV typing program and they practiced. Class ended right at 1:00 pm


I thought the class went very well. With only five students, we were able to dedicate plenty of time to each of them. Kudos to Lindsay for a great job, despite the fact that she did not get any training! Thank you all for reading.

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