Saturday, August 29, 2009

House of Uhuru 08/22/09

Opening Comments:
Because Ethan is on vacation, this class was taught by Sally only. A new volunteer, Jon, observed and helped some students during lab time.
Terrell was away today. Ahnjayla showed up early and was frantic, because apparently she’d had a family emergency and had to leave soon. She asked to present her paper first, then posted a blog, then left. She understood that she would be marked absent. Everyone else was present for the whole time.

We started by going over the topics for the day.

Ahnjayla and Dexter presented their papers first, then Harriet and Roxana volunteered to present theirs a second time. Jerry said he didn’t want to try again, and explained how he had gotten choked up on Tuesday. Then, students voted on who should read their paper at graduation, and Roxana won the election. She was excited and will be prepared to go on Tuesday night.

We discussed graduation in conjunction with some structured internet exploration. Together, students logged onto the CDD website and looked at pictures of the most recent graduation so that they knew what to expect. Then we went to google maps and went over how to get directions, using the House of Uhuru as a starting poing and the graduation location as an end point for an example. Several students wrote down these directions to give to their family members, and everyone wrote down the address.

After this, I explained how to do a blog post and what a blog is. All students posted and understood. The only student missing a blog post is Terrell, because he was absent.

During lab time, students could finish their blog posts or type their papers. Several students finished typing their papers early and explored the internet. Everything was appropriate and they enjoyed the free time.
Additional Comments

All students are very grateful and excited about graduation.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

CDD Class Report Walden 8-22-09

Walden House /08-22-2009

Opening Comments:
Class started on time with all remaining students getting in on time. Attendance: We had 6 students in attendance.

In the interest of time, we did presentations first.

Four students -- Greg, Mario, Michael, and Johnny -- gave presentations. All of the presentations were very well done. It was clear from the presentations that all four speakers had taken the assignment seriously. All of the presentations were mostly focused on the future and on specific goals, and the steps necessary to achieve those goals. But all of the presentations were also heartfelt and showed a lot of character and hard-earned wisdom. The class favorite was Greg, who was very creative with his paper/presentation. But Chris and Eric agreed that Michael was the most faithful to the spirit of the assignment. Michael's presentation was hopeful and determined, yet pragmatic and focused on specific steps and how to stay positive. It was a tough decision, especially with the class having a favorite. I explained the reasoning behind choosing Michael -- that his paper was highly focused on taking very specific, practical steps toward getting a job. The class understood.

Eric introduced the topic of email and discussed it's importance as a communication tool. Chris covered the bulk of the concepts and terms. We then led a class demonstration. We opened up several different email accounts and sent mail back and forth between the two accounts. We focused on Gmail, but also used hotmail, to show the similarities and differences between the two companies. Tony asked how the companies make money and Chris explained that it was an ad-based business. We went on a short 10 minute break.

Three students (Mario, Tony, and Albert) were finished with all work and used the time to work on Mavis Beacon (which all of the class enjoys). Thus our focus was on helping Greg and Michael finish typing their papers, and on getting Michael prepared for his Graduation presentation. Greg spent the entire lab time typing his paper. Eric helped Michael polish up his paper. Due time constraints -- we were very pressed for time -- we were unable to go over the Antioch stuff. Eric will print out the relevant information/forms and bring it to the graduation, if appropriate.

This was a great class. The presentation were awesome. Chris and Eric got a chance to talk casually with the guys after the presentation. We definitely bonded and everyone left the class with positive, supportive feelings about each other and about the class and computers in general.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

CDD Class Report Walden 8-15-09

Walden House /08-15-2009

Opening Comments:
Class started on time with most of the students getting in on time. Greg arrived at 11:40am and was marked absent but stayed for the remainder of class.
We had 6 students in attendance, Greg included.

Austin took roll and briefly went over the topics we were going to cover that day. Austin went over the final paper and presentation, and prepared the class for how presentations should be delivered and that feedback would be given as well. Austin scheduled Albert, Tony, and Michael for presentations on Tuesday.

Eric introduced the Internet as a concept, that the internet is how computers connect with each other. I emphasized that it is a public collection of information, similar to a library, and that this information was best accessed through search engines like Google.

We covered the relevant information in the manual, showing how browsers are a window into the internet. Because most of the students are restricted, Austin served as a demonstrator while I continued the lecture and suggested different types of searches. We used various examples to illustrate (1) the vast range of information available and (2) the importance of being as specific as possible when inputting words in the search box.
We went on a short 10-minute break after that.

All students worked on papers for the entire lab time. Both Austin and Eric worked one-on-one with students. Albert worked a bit on his paper, but is mostly done. Greg is still working on his paper and he will need close attention to be kept on task during Tuesday's lab (he tends to ramble with his writing). Mario is doing steady, quality work, and is about halfway finished and while he does work well independently, he benefits from check-ins and also he has trouble keeping his files organized. Tony, I think, has completed his paper. Michael still has a lot to write, I think, but he is motivated and might be ready to present on Tuesday. I'm not sure exactly where Johnny is, but I am confident he will need close one-on-one direction. My recommendation is that, in Tuesday's class, one teacher makes sure Johnny is on track, and one teacher makes sure Greg is on track. I could see them each needing 15-20 minutes of one-on-one time.

We were unable to log into the staff computer and thus we were not able to print any papers. Austin had a floppy disk and we made backup copies. In writing this, I realize that Mario was typing, and not writing his paper, and thus we need to make sure we get him a printed copy of his paper by Tuesday. Otherwise, I think everyone else is either finished with the paper or has a written version. I think. :-)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

CDD Class Report Uhuru 8-11-09

House of Uhuru 8-11-09

Marie arrived early and wrote key points of review from Module 1 second half, as well as agenda on the whiteboard. Misty took attendance and lead the first part of the review.

Review of part 1 Module 2, and some elements of MS Word were gone over. Students were quizzed and more review was needed. Students were well versed in Word however, and said that Ethan had done an excellent job of explaining formatting, deleting, backspacing etc. Students were asked to edit their title pages per the lesson plan that Misty was reading from, and so we spent time doing so.

There was some confusion over what was to be covered and time began to run out for the review and new material time allotted. To make sure that we did not run out of time for the test, it was given immediately after the break before lab time and the part 2 of module 2 was taught. All students did well on the test (review was done first) We only made it to page 41, and used a lot of lab time to cover new topics, but used the practice list at the end of the module as a guide. Because much of this material was rushed, I don’t think the students really got it.

See 2nd topic above.

Students were reminded to hand write their papers so that they could work on them out of class, and that they really needed to use lab time to practice module material and not just Mavis Beacon because many of them were still struggling with basics. Extra time was spent with Jerry, Dexter on these basics. Jerry is in a GED class as well and so hopes to be improving soon with his literacy (he openly discussed this with Misty). Dexter did well on his test , and based on his pre-test verbal responses, I reviewed with him the 2 mistakes he made based on possible dyslexia – he had only missed the two answers that looked very similar in wording but that verbally he had answered correctly - “inner circuit board” and “image circuit board”.

Monday, August 10, 2009

CDD Class Report Walden 8-8-09

Walden House /08-08-2009

We had 7 students in attendance.

Chris took roll and Eric briefly went over the topics that were going to be covered that day.

Chris started by going over all the Discovery Terms. The students were very eager to give the definitions. The whiteboard was used to write terms on one side and definitions on the other. Students were asked to come up and draw a line from the term to the matching definition.

Eric went over the first half of Module 2. He talked about the difference between programs/applications and files. He then talked about the Task Bar and arranging windows (cascading, tiling, and plain old minimizing). He ended by discussing Dialog Boxes and the options contained within a box.

Chris talked about MS Word. We had Anthony demonstrate on a computer how to open Word using Start/All Programs while the other students watched.
Chris demonstrated various features within Word such as changing fonts and font sizes, the difference between backspace and delete, etc.

Students also showed us their outlines and we spent some time individually helping each student with their paper or outline.

All students logged onto a computer. All the students were very eager to try Word. Most students spent time typing out various sentences and playing with spell check, alignment, and fonts.
Some students also tried typing their papers and saving the file to their computer.

The class was very happy to be learning about Word since this seemed to be a very useful program for them. All students looked to be making progress on their papers/outlines. Johnny and Stephen were able to refine their outline. Rico also rewrote some of his paper and was able to type it on the computer in Word. Gregory did shorten his paper but may need more help. Anthony, Mario, and Michael seemed to be on track with their papers.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

CDD Class Report Uhuru 8-1-09

House of Uhuru / August 1, 2009

Opening Comments:
The class went well and was generally without unusual incident. Don showed up about ten minutes late, apologizing for being late. Ethan and I were both surprised, as we were under the impression that he would not be teaching this class anymore. Don left and said he would get in touch with Kathleen.

At the beginning of class, nine students were present and four missing. Students said that John Ferris walked out of the facility the night before and wouldn’t return, but they said the same thing about him last Saturday and it turned out not to be true. After the break, Harriet and Shawna left to go to a facility event. We told them that they would be marked absent, but we were glad they came to get the information. They understood the implications of an absent mark and were okay with that.

Ethan started with a brief introduction, as it was his first class. We had the agenda on the board and went over it quickly. We both passed out notebooks, and Ethan used it as an opportunity to get everyone’s names.

First, we reviewed the outline. I made sure students knew it was due on Tuesday, the next class. Students expressed that they understood the process and format, so I asked if anyone wanted to come up and reteach the information to the class. Harriet volunteered, and came up and wrote some notes from the outline introduction on Tuesday. I stressed that this is important, but not quite what I was looking for, and Terrell offered to come up and explain it. He wrote on the board and explained each section of the outline very well. He wrote notes under each number about what each section should cover. The class gave him a round of applause, and everyone expressed comfort with the outline except Dexter, so I said I would discuss it in greater detail with him during lab time.

After, I reviewed the six computer discovery terms from Tuesday’s class. Ethan opened up the dead computer and held up each part as we discussed it. One of two students had questions about the test, and Ethan answered them.

Next, Ethan spent some time working from Module 1 in the handbook. He reviewed the purpose of double-click and single-click, saying basically that single click is to select and double is to activate, with the exception of menus like the start bar. He drew pictures on the board of windows on a screen and explained how to resize, select and move windows. Ethan wrote down key parts of the lecture on the board in simple terms, telling students that they should write what he writes, because he only wrote down the most important things. Students took notes. At the beginning of lab time, the students turned on the computers and Ethan led them through the process of moving and resizing windows again to ensure that they understood all different ways.

Because there were enough computers for all students to use one, we didn’t divide them into their usual groups. Instead, after Ethan led them through Module 1 review on the computers, we had anyone who wanted help with their outlines come to the front, and anyone who felt confident about it go to the back and work on Mavis Beacon. Only Dexter and Jerry stayed in the front, but a few students in the back ended up getting help on their outlines anyway. Many students were writing their outlines basically as their essays; they filled in each number with the next sentence, instead of with the next idea. In the last few minutes of class, Ethan wrote a sample outline on the board to review. After class, Jerry stayed for a few minutes because he wanted Ethan to explain the parts of the computer in a little better detail, and Ty stayed so that I could check out his outline and make sure he was on the right track.

FINAL NOTES:Students seemed to be putting a lot of thought into their plans and outlines. Many of them had already started writing or completed their papers, although we told them that perhaps they might want to do a second draft. A couple students were focusing excessively on computer skills they would want to use in the future, so we suggested that they focus on their entire lives instead

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

CDD Class Report Walden 8-1-09

Walden House /08-01-2009

The class started on time with 4 students missing.

We had 8 students in attendance.

The students each introduced themselves and Chris introduced himself (since it was his first class teaching).

Teacher Eric started by going over the outline and what was expected. He gave examples of a ‘plan’ such as buying milk and what steps he would have to do in order to complete it.
He went over what the outline consisted of, including the Intro, Body, and Conclusion. At this point, we gave the students some time to work on their outline. Some students already had their outline completed while other students needed help refining what their ‘plans’ were because they were too broad. Eric and Chris spent some time with each student to help them with their ‘plan’ and putting it into outline format.

Chris did a quick review of the first 6 discovery terms and then completed going over the rest of the terms. The students all knew the terms pretty well. Eric also went over specific definitions (culled from the exam) to ensure that the students would be able to answer the exam properly.

Chris led the class through the second half of Module One.


All students logged onto a computer. Each student was able to work on their own computer with no need for sharing. After all students went through using the Help and the topics covered during lecture (searching and printing within Help), the students were allowed to continue working on the computer. One student worked in MS Paint. Some students tried changing settings in the Display Settings. The rest of the students worked in Mavis Beacon. Most of the students made it through most of a Mavis lesson.

The class seemed very interested in learning and also in completing their essays. The students were eager to ask as well as answer questions. The most difficult part of this class was the outline. Eric and Chris tried to help the students understand the expectations for the outline and also to help the students formulate their ‘plans’.

Chris would like to thank Eric for giving lots of direction to him in terms of teaching. Even though Eric has only recently started teaching, he seems like he is already a pro.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

CDD Class Report Cri-Help 8-1-09

Cri-Help/Aug. 1st, 2009

Opening Comments:

We did not have any incidents during Saturday‘s class. Everyone was on his or her best behavior.


We had five students in attendance. Four of them showed up 5 minutes late. Someone from the staff had previously informed us that they would be a few minutes late b/c they were downstairs talking to the staff.


I introduced myself and explained that I was there substituting for Robert. Then I introduced Lindsay and explained that she will be replacing Ethan. Everyone liked her right away. I gave a brief overview of the day’s agenda. I wrote on the board that the outline is due next Tuesday and they need to have it ready by the end of the day.


I asked students if they had any questions from the previous class. They did not. We quickly reviewed the first half of M1 and then we covered the 2nd half of M1. We talked about the help menu, working with a window, maximizing, minimizing, restoring etc. I explained the difference between an application and a document using a kitchen and a dish analogy; the kitchen being the application and the dish the document. We discuss the importance of shutting down the computer properly, and the difference between stand by mode, restart, and shut down.


Lindsay covered the next six computer discovery terms. She asked students to take turns reading the next item to be discussed. Everyone was enthusiastic about participating. She covered up to number 12. Students complemented her on her teaching style and gave her a round of applause when she finished with the CD terms.


The first half hour, we worked on the outline. I helped Violet and Jerry. Lindsay worked with Morris. Adan had a little bit of trouble coming up with ideas for his outline but promised to have it ready on Tuesday. Adan was called downstairs and he came back with a signed note from the staff asking us to release him 30 minutes early because he had to meet with his counselor. He left at 12:30. Morris, Violet and Jerry had hand-written outlines ready by the end of class. The last 30 minutes, we had the students demonstrate that they could do the suggested exercises one by one. Open the Recycle bin, create, delete, restore a folder etc. All five students demonstrated this to Lindsay and me. After that, we had them open the MV typing program and they practiced. Class ended right at 1:00 pm


I thought the class went very well. With only five students, we were able to dedicate plenty of time to each of them. Kudos to Lindsay for a great job, despite the fact that she did not get any training! Thank you all for reading.