Tuesday, August 3, 2010

CDD Class Report Walden 7-20-10

Walden House, Tuesday, 7/20/10

Opening Comments:
Chairs were set up with a white board for lecture. The discovery terms were written on the board with short descriptions.

Attendance was taken and the notebooks handed out, including the new book I brought to replace the one which fell apart last week. Edward Ntuk came in to notify me he had dropped the class with Walden House Staff. I was told by WH staff, two students would be very late, I marked them absent (Ruben Casey and Aaron Thomas), only Aaron came in at 8:30 to show me his outline, which he will hopefully get credit for on Saturday. Lastly, Herver Fetheroff (student in wheelchair) arrived late at 7:10 after I saw him in the hall when I walked in. During class lecture, he interrupted by heading out the door, then ten minutes later tried to return. I did not allow him to stay or disrupt the class as he has in the past.

Due to the large number of students to the class, I reminded them that class was from 7 to 9pm and they need to stay the entire class to get credit.

Students participated in a group as we used the white board to do a matching exercise as a group. Taking the time to explain definitions as we went along, the students demonstrated a good understanding of the terms.

The class submitted their outlines for review. Many students needed assistance during class time (David, Frank, Lamar, Arthur, and Aaron Thomas) and did not immediately get credit for their outlines. We did a group exercise to review how to brainstorm and create an outline.

A list (from the back of module 1) was written on the board for students to ensure they could complete the exercises of: minimize, maximize and help menu. Half of the class worked at the computer on these exercises and on typing, the other half worked on their outlines. I called the students to help them, one at a time, and was able to work to complete all of the listed students’ outlines with them, staying a little after to finish working with the tardy student, Aaron Thomas.

FINAL NOTES: To conclude, students were reminded to study for the matching quiz. All books were returned. Students were eager to start writing their papers from their outlines, so look forward to Saturday’s report as to their progress

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