Sunday, August 29, 2010

CDD Class Report Cri-Help 7-31-10

Cri-Help / 7-31-2010

Opening Comments:
I arrived at 10:30 to try installing the GoodSearch toolbar and to test the Internet. A few computers were not connected to Ethernet cabling. I resolved that problem; all but 1 were connected and working. The last one, I got connected during the break. Renee arrived on time.

Renee took attendance. Robert came in nearly 15 minutes late. He decided to leave class since we told him he wouldn’t receive attendance credit. Matthew Humphries showed up in class today. Araceli did not.

We answered a few quick questions about the timing of presentations and due dates for the final essay. Everybody was excited to be introduced to the Internet today. We specified that their browsing would be limited to the websites from the list Soni sent out.

I covered public speaking, some tips they should use when presenting their papers to the class, and if they’re selected, when presenting to the group as a whole. I talked how important a skill it was, and that speaking slowly, clearly, and loudly enough was very important.

Renee covered the Internet lecture. Some of the terminology in the material itself confused the students; we took extra time to explain what an Application was, and what a Search Engine did. We also touched momentarily on the basic structure of the Internet, which seemed to make those unfamiliar with the Internet less intimidated by it. We also explained E-mail by comparing it to snail mail.

At lab time, I focused on reading through and providing feedback for everybody who had a draft of their essay. As a general theme, people needed to focus more on specifics they learned at CDD and in particular, how computers were going to help them achieve their goal. I was pleasantly surprised to find that most students really were focused on their future plans; only a handful focused extensively on their history. Alex, one of the students whose outlines I had taken with me, was particularly focused on his past because he didn’t have the guidance of an outline. I selected a few parts of his past that he could include in his final piece and helped him to flesh out his outline (which I returned) so he could re-write it before Tuesday. I think that Molly’s is going to be particularly impactful if she can just pick a draft and stick to it. Ibra’s is coming along very well, but he needs more concrete information from his tech side. Chris’ outline is excellent and he has a lot to say. Ray had left his draft in his sponsor’s car but said he’s confident of it. I wish I could read it; I think it’ll be great. Jesse’s has a very solid body and conclusion but he needs to introduce himself and his essay better. Those are about all the specifics I could think of; everybody else’s was mostly general feedback. Anna never came to my side of the classroom; I haven’t read her essay. She seemed to be on the computers the whole time, but Renee and I didn’t notice until class was over.

[From Renee]
Lab time started rough for group 1. The Internet, which was working perfectly all morning, wasn't working when group 1 started to use it. So I had them go back into mavis beacon. The Internet was repaired and then the students started working on the internet. I showed them how to type a site into the address bar, how to use the search function, I had them navigate to and search for jobs in Los Angeles. I sent them to the CDD website, some entered in posts for the blog, they were very uneasy, some were not wanting to use their real names and were making up stories, we then ran out of time.I did the same things listed above with group 2. Regarding the blog posts, some were able to post a blog, some were not, and the CAPTCHA was a big hold up. This Lab session was very hectic. The students were very excited about using the Internet. I learned from this session that in Lab they should have a print out in front of them, a check list of things to do and they should check them off after they have done them, then at random, I go over and ask them to perform a task they have checked off. If anyone is not doing something from the checklist, they are made to get off the computer and work on their paper or leave class. It was very hard to make them stay on track with the lessons when all they wanted to do was surf the Internet. Since the class is so big, it's hard watching everyone. Also, there is a real problem with the more advanced students, being able to do these lessons easily and then doing something else and negatively influencing the other students (with less skill).

Overall Renee and I concluded after class that it went well. It’s a larger class but we’re working very hard to impose good structure on the students’ time. It seems to be working very nicely.

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