Monday, August 1, 2011

CDD Weekly Class Report Uhuru 7-30-11

House of Uhuru – 30 July 2011

Opening Comments:
Gave a brief overview of what today’s lesson plan was and reminded the class that their essays were due Tuesday, and that each student would have to give a brief presentation in front of the class as well.

14 students attended class today
1st Topic Covered:
William went over the general guidelines for public speaking regarding eye contact, clear voice, and speaking speed. Allen discussed those guidelines in further detail and addressed the importance of preparation in public speaking. We recommended the students practice presenting to each other as well.

2nd Topic Covered:
Allen went over Cutting and Pasting, deleting/undeleting, and Parent Folders. William went over My Computer, Icon arrangement, and changing different display settings. We then went over the usage of the internet, and explained its practicality and many usages.

Lab Time:
After separating the class into two groups, we one group work on their essays and another work on the computer. Those who had already finished writing their essays were allowed to type them up, if they chose to do so. Allen went around the class to teach the students how to write a blog on the CDD website, while William helped with the essay-writing. We switched roles when the groups switched spots. Most of the students had completed their blog entry.

Final Notes:
About half of the class had completed or were close to completing their essays, and a few were almost done typing them up as well. Some of the students wanted to focus solely on their essays during lab time, and agreed to write their blog posts by next class meeting.

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