Tuesday, July 19, 2011

CDD Weekly Class Reports Cri-Help 7-5-11

Cri Help/7-5-2011

There were no events that I felt were out of the ordinary for the first meeting of class. My more experienced teaching partner did not report any incidents either.

Of the 8 students enrolled in the session, 6 were present on the first day of class. Ms.Christina Santos and Ms.Suzanne Bridges were absent. It should be noted that Mr. Brian Wu left with his classmates on break and did not return at the end of break.

Colin explained the overview to the new class, with regards to attendance, participation and course completion. Graduation and behavior towards both teachers and fellow students was also discussed.

Herbert discussed the key points of the day which include: the computers cases, hard-drive, motherboard and connecting computer cables. The students were very inquisitive about the terminology and requested simplified explanations Analogies were used in the explanation of the day’s topics including Case-Skin, CPU-Brain, and Memories to R.O.M. and, quick arithmetic to R.A.M.

In response to the inquires of the students regarding memory, Colin briefly explained the difference between MB and GB, using a floppy disk one of the students had and the SD cards found in cell phones.

The evening’s lab included an overview of the Personal Success Paper and mouse usage. Herbert conducted the paper lab, while Colin covered using the mouse. Mr. Gabriel Rivas (who prefers to be called “G”) was the only student unfamiliar with using a mouse. Colin likened the mouse to a joystick used for video games and the idea of pointing and clicking. Mr. Rivas was confident in his ability to use the mouse at the end of lab.

The students seemed very excited for the next class at the end of the first night. Mr. Tommy Quintant stated that he is capable of using a “smart-phone” but that he would like to expand his knowledge on a desktop. Mr. Jose Balderaz expressed that he has had limited computer usage in his life, but added that it was more than a decade ago. Ms. Iquisha Blaxon also has had very little usage but was able to navigate the desktop without assistance. Mr. Freddy Fernandez is quite knowledge able about computers and stated that he grew up around them. He is seeking a refresher on terminology and would like to expand his basic abilities to include things he may have forgotten.

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