Thursday, September 30, 2010

CDD Class Report Uhuru 9-18-09

House of Uhuru/9-18-10

Opening Comments:
Hunter and I had an excellent time working with the students on Saturday. We explained to the students that because of the issues that occurred in the last class, the groups would be split into male and female separate by the front and back of the classroom. We are not sure if this change is what resulted in an excellent class or if the students just brought a new attitude with them; every single student was well behaved and everyone seemed very eager to learn. Hunter and I had a great time working with the students and teaching them today.

13 students attended the class. One student was sick and could not attend.

Hunter and I introduced ourselves by telling them about our work experience and also explaining why we were volunteering with CDD. We made it a point to tell the students that without computer knowledge, they would have a very hard time finding a good job and that these skills would definitely help them in the future. I think the students appreciated our different perspectives of how we used computers in our work. We also went around the room and had each student introduce themselves and why they were taking the class. The students had a variety of answers and many of them had very specific goals in mind after they completed the class.

We reviewed the first six Discovery Terms by playing a matching game on the board and having the students come up and match the words with their definition. We also mentioned that they should copy down the words and definitions because there would be a quiz in a couple of weeks.

Hunter reviewed the first half of Module 1, which focused computer basics and understanding the desktop. Everyone was taking notes throughout the class and many students had questions about the material being covered that Hunter was able to answer very thoroughly.

During lab time, many of the students played with the computer to visually experience what they had just learned. Many of the students also started working on their outlines for their paper. Hunter and I walked around the class room to help students organize their thoughts and write them down in an outline format. Some of the more advanced students typed up their outlines, but most wrote them by hand.

The middle computer in the last row did not work and the first computer in the second row did not have a mouse, which made it extremely hard for that student to follow the class. We showed him some shortcuts so he could follow along, but I think it is extremely important for that computer to have a mouse so the student can follow along better in the next class.


Before class started, an old student stopped by to say hello, and I believe this was the student that gave the speech at the last session’s graduation. She mentioned how giving that speech really helped her increase her confidence.
The students in the class today were really great. Everyone was very open when they had questions or didn’t understand the material. In the beginning some students were chatty, but immediately stopped when we told them to pay attention to us. Although there were a couple of students who were more advanced than others, they did not disrupt the class and worked independently on their outlines. During lab time we both had a great chance to speak with many of the students and learn more about their goals after they graduated from class and got out of their program. Overall it was a very productive class and the students seemed to get a lot of it.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

CDD Class Report Walden 9-15-10

Walden House, Tuesday, 9/15/10

Opening Comments:
Chairs were set up in a semi-circle with a white board for lecture. Ralph Mendoza, Center Vocational Manager, gave a brief introduction to the students.

Attendance was taken and the notebooks handed out. The room was full, with 14 students in attendance.

Both Joe and Soni took turns reviewing their backgrounds and introducing themselves to the class. Soni also gave an overview of CDD and the course.

The students shared their familiarity and experiences with computers. The class, overall, had a very low level of exposure with computers, with only three having worked with them before. An overview of the format of the course was explained, reviewing the student paper and presentation. The rules and regulations were read aloud, with course requirements shared with the class.

The computer discovery terms were covered, also using the workbooks to follow along. The case of a non-working computer was opened by Joe, and displayed at the front of the room. The first six discovery terms were introduced, with each part displayed and defined. Having the terms written on the white board helped students to follow along and were used to wrap-up and review, with short definitions for every term.

A brief introduction to the keyboard and mouse was covered. Students then broke into groups and turned on the computers. Each station set up their user names on Mavis Beacon, then practiced typing,

To conclude, all books were returned and students were reminded of Saturday class from 11 to 1. Overall, the class was excited and eager to learn more, many not wanting the class to end. Several students mentioned they would be practicing their typing when they get a chance.

Friday, September 17, 2010

CDD Class Report Cri-Help 9-15-10

Cri-Help/ 9-15-10

Opening Comments:
Our class went very well and all students were cooperative and involved in the learning process.

Ryan had everyone take their seat and took roll. Both he and Beverly introduced themselves and told why they volunteered. He led student introductions and the assignment of Student Manuals. Two groups were created for lab time.

An overview of the course was begun by Ryan. Beverly joined in the discussion of today’s topics, which included and introduction to the requirements of the 500-word paper. Both Beverly and Ryan went over the general class outline, reviewed class rules and gave an explanation of the required assignments and tests.

Both Beverly and Ryan led an explanation and discussion on the written paper and presentation assignment. We explained the paper and included some group brainstorming on general and individual goals. We discussed the benefits of working in teams and giving oral presentations.

-- Beverly led the discussion of the first 6 terms while Ryan provided actual visuals when appropriate followed by a brief review of using the mouse. Followed by lab time for all students.

Most students were new technology users. The class was divided into two groups to allow each student use of a computer. Beverly worked with the group that took time to work in pairs to explore ideas for their papers. Ryan worked with others at the computer. Most students worked on Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing.

Since this is a relatively small class, we were able to provide extra attention to all students in need of it. At the end of the class we had a Q&A period and collected all workbooks.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

CDD Course Report Uhuru 8-10-10

Instructor End of Course Report

Center Name: House of Uhuru

Beginning Date: July 6, 2010

Graduation Date: August 10, 2010

Names of the four Instructors: Peter, Hunter, Juliane

The session consisted of 10 classes, with classes held on Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings at the House of Uhuru. The teacher's team only consisted of 3 instructors, Peter, Hunter and Juliane. Peter taught on Tuesday's evenings. Juliane started in class 4 and also taught with Peter on Tuesdays. Hunter joined in class 6 and completed the team. Peter and Hunter already are experienced instructors and and knew how to lead through the class. They were a good support for Juliane, as she never taught before. But at the end of the session the three instructors turned out to be a very good and balanced team.

Though there were several technical difficulties in the beginning, at the end the computers worked pretty good and all the students got their opportunity to work on a computer to internalize the applications just learned in class. Out of 10 students in the beginning, we have 7 students graduating. They all are proud that they accomplished the outline, the computer discovery terms test, and the paper with the presentation. All of them seem to have gained confidence and knowledge working on a PC and they enjoyed the class.

Gregory was one of the students with no or little computer experience. Step by step he got more understanding of how to use the computer and at the end he was very confident in working by himself, he was even able to search the internet for schools he wants to contact to enroll after he gets discharged. Rickey as well did not have any or only little computer experience. He was a very quiet student but always very thankful for help and assistance.

Michele, Kyle and Victor already had some experience and were very confident in using the computer. But as they didn't use the computer in quite a while, they appreciated this course as a refresher and to be up to date with Windows 98 and later Windows XP. They understood everything they were taught right away and absorbed new information gratefully. These 3 students also were the nominees for the student presentation at the graduation ceremony.

Deanna and Shanae both liked working for themselves, but whenever they had questions they asked for help and appreciated it. Shanea sat next to Rickey and also tried to help him, whenever she could. She was very thoroughly working on her paper and cover page and was even concerned she might not graduate as she missed half of the 9th class. Deanna turned in her paper in the 10th class as before she had some medical issues and didn't finish the paper. She was very proud of her plan for success and couldn't wait to present it to the class.
The working, as well as the learning atmosphere was great and as a result of this atmosphere it was a very successful session for the students, but also for the instructors.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

CDD Class Report Cri-Help 8-3-10

Cri-Help / 8-3-2010

Opening Comments:
Jordana and I both arrived about 20 minutes early to class. We put the agenda on the board as usual, and Jordana put the Santa Monica graduation information on the board as well.

Ryan took attendance. The entire Socorro class was a few minutes late because they encountered traffic on their way to the Cri-Help facility. But all the students arrived in class by 7:10 PM. Only Araceli did not show up.

We told the class what the agenda was for tonight. Some people were nervous about the presentations and had questions. A few were very excited to present.

Ryan reviewed the 1st half of the Internet. Jordana continued with the 2nd half of the Internet. Some students had some questions afterwards, but most seemed focused on the paper presentations.

During the paper presentations, several people were excited to read, and Ibra was the 1st to go up in front of the class. Everyone was very respectful and cheered each other on. The students encouraged each other to go in front of the class; even if they were nervous or felt that their paper wasn’t good enough. One of the students that had a very good paper was Ray Campos. His paper was several pages long, and it was well written. It stuck to the computer topic very well and was cohesive. One student’s paper that surprised me was Robert Atkinson’s. Before class started, Robert told me that he couldn’t read. When he wrote his paper, he dictated it to someone and someone wrote what he said. He asked for help and if I could read his paper to the class, so I did. When I read his paper, it talked about his hardships and how being illiterate shaped him. Everyone was very moved afterwards and several people came up and hugged him. I think I also noticed that he started to cry (or at least had a tear in his eye) after I finished reading his paper to the class.

In all, 12 students who finished their papers presented. Another 4 students were almost done but wanted to add more. They still wanted to present, so we allowed them to present in class. However, I informed them that they still needed to complete their papers and re-present again on Saturday to get full credit. Those 4 students were Kevin, Anna, Eddie, and Magarita. Two other students did not present tonight, Danny C and Chris.

There was only 15 minutes left for the lab after the presentations. A few students were able to complete their blogs during this time. The students who were not done with their papers continued to work on them during this time.


We told the class the information about the Santa Monica graduation ceremony and that they could bring friends and family to the event. We collected the papers of the 12 students that presented. The other 6 students still have their papers with them and need to present on Saturday. Because I will be working remotely and not in the office on Wednesday, Jordana volunteered to scan the papers since she has access to a scanner. She will also bring the papers to the Thursday meeting to give to Micah and Renee, so that they can bring it to the Saturday class.

Overall, everyone did a great job in the presentations. Several students shook our hands at the end of the night.

The top students we nominate for Cri-Help (in order of preference):
1. Ray Campos
2. Robert Atkinson
3. Matthew Humphries
4. Ibra Taylor