Wednesday, May 12, 2010

CDD Class Report Uhuru 5-8-10

House of Uhuru, Tuesday, 5/8/2010

Opening Comments:
We had a classroom of 12 students in this session. When I asked the students about their missing peers, we were informed that some students had dropped the course in the prior session.

Of the 12 attendees, They managed to show up on time and full of interest to continue the course. Jeffery took attendance, and I handed out the notebooks accordingly.

Both Jeffery and I reintroduced ourselves to the class, and briefly went over our weekly routines and defined our choice in volunteering to be instructors. After which we promptly began the course and went into reviewing the discovery terms, and then helping students with their outlines, describing to the class what was expected of them in their outlines and the basic format to which it should resemble.

Explain who covered this topic and any issues with the students on the topic.
Jeffery went over the last six discovery terms, encouraging the class to define the terms with him as he went along. Victor engaged student questions, and utilized the whiteboard as Jeffery went on to define each component.

I then went over the outline and described to the students what was expected of them from the outline and how it would help define their essays, and their futures. I made a point to emphasis that it was not to be a biography but rather a roadmap to their future; how computers and technology specifically from this course would help to encourage their success. I utilized the whiteboard to go across specific career endeavors that the students were interested in and did some classroom brainstorming. ( e.g. Cosmetologist, Receptionist, Truck Driver, and Social Worker) Jeffery used this time to visit each student and ensure that they were understanding the material, and could comprehend what they were being asked to do.

Most of the students utilized the lab time to open Mavis Beacon and practice both typing and navigation skills of the computer. When Jeffery reminded them that there would be a test on the 18th for the Discovery terms, and that the outlines were due the next class session. Many of the students began to work on those assignments. At which point many requested one on one clarification of the discovery terms trying to ensure that they had a proper understanding.

The remaining students are still very eager and are driven to complete the course to the best of their abilities. With guidance and support I have no doubt that the students will achieve their goals and many have expressed a desire to continue to utilize computers in a higher capacity

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