Sunday, May 30, 2010

CDD Class Report Walden 5-25-10

Walden House, 5-25-2010

We had 7 students in attendance, and all 7 students stayed for the entire class. Shannon was marked absent. Peter handed out binders and started off the class. All students had completed at least 50% of their papers and the majority appeared to have over 500 words (in writing). Peter explained that today’s class would focus on completing papers.

Five of the students volunteered to make their presentations, including Eugene, Eric, Rodney, James and Eric. All of the students gave complete presentations except for Eugene, who had only half of his paper completed. Eugene was asked if he could present again this Saturday, after he completed his entire paper. All students made a significant effort in their presentations to be aware of the best practices that Soni had explained in the previous class (keeping eye contact, speaking loudly and clearly, etc). Some students, especially Rodney, provided feedback after each presentation. The instructors decided that Rodney had the best speech so far, as it was delivered well and was the most complete in terms of content.

The students were directed to the computers and instructed to work on finishing their papers. All students began typing what they already had completed in writing. Soni and Peter explained several new functions of Word individually to the students, including page breaks, centering text, spell checking, word count, and spacing. Lamar had already worked on his paper in previous classes, and finished typing it before the break.

Break went as planned, for 10 minutes. All students arrived back from break on time.

The students continued to work on their papers. Anthony was having issues typing his paper, so Soni stepped in and typed the first 250 words. At the end of the class, all students had over half of their papers typed.

Lamar had completed his paper early, and was asked to practice using the Internet. He was caught several times visiting questionable sites containing pictures of women, and was asked to stop each time. Please take note of this for the next session.

Monday, May 24, 2010

CDD Class Report Cri-Help 5-18-10

Cri-Help / 05.18.10

Opening Comments:
Class began on time. Robert gave an outline of what would be covered in the class. The students were reminded that there will be no class on Saturday and that the papers and presentations are due next Tuesday. Attendance was taken and the workbooks were handed out.

Everyone was present.

Robert reviewed the computer discovery terms and went over presentations emphasizing public speaking (eye contact, clear voice, etc.). Some students presented their papers as an example.

Smriti reviewed the first half of module 2 and covered the rest of the module.

After break, students were given the quiz. After that Smriti reviewed and covered the rest of Microsoft Word.

Because of the extra material that needed to be covered (due to the fact that there will be no class on Saturday), lab time was cut short. We had a total of twenty minutes for lab. Students who had completed writing their papers were asked to go to the computer so that they could start typing their papers. The rest of the students were asked to work on their papers.

Most of the students seem close to completing their papers. We are not sure if they will all be able to get them typed since not having a class on Saturday makes a big difference. The students are interested in learning and seem to enjoy the class.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

CDD Class Report Uhuru 5-15-10

House of Uhuru, Tuesday, 5/15/2010

Opening Comments:
Class started at 11 am. We had a classroom of 7 students. Thus students expressed excitement over their coming presentation and had a volley of questions regarding it, and the essay.

We had 7 students in attendance, the 2 missing students were out on family leave, or had various other approved activities by the facility.

The class started by reviewing the coming schedule, reviewing the discovery terms, informing students about their presentations, and looking over and assisting with essay introductions. In addition to reviewing the maximize, minimize, and close features, we reviewed the beginning of the module and covered the material with some difficulty due to the incogruencies between the text and the Operating System.

The first thing we did was review the basic concepts, clarified the discovery terms, and then informed the students about their presentations. We also took this time to tell the students that there would not be a class for the 22nd of May, and that they were still expected to be up to date with their assignments.

Participation from the students was fantastic, the students demonstrated with ease a basic understanding of the discovery terms. We then quickly went over individual questions and concerns to help clarify what the expectations of the students were.

Lab time was spent clarifying the module and opening up and working with Microsoft word. Introducing the purpose of creating a header and a footer, in addition to changing fonts, and font sizes. In combining tasks from the module we introduced cut, copy and paste, and reviewed the minimize, maximize, and close functions. Jeffery was great in using a scrapbook analogy to help students relate the cut copy and paste commands to real life.

FINAL NOTES:The students are on a great course to completing the course, and have demonstrated a incredible understanding of the concepts and operations

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

CDD Class Report Uhuru 5-8-10

House of Uhuru, Tuesday, 5/8/2010

Opening Comments:
We had a classroom of 12 students in this session. When I asked the students about their missing peers, we were informed that some students had dropped the course in the prior session.

Of the 12 attendees, They managed to show up on time and full of interest to continue the course. Jeffery took attendance, and I handed out the notebooks accordingly.

Both Jeffery and I reintroduced ourselves to the class, and briefly went over our weekly routines and defined our choice in volunteering to be instructors. After which we promptly began the course and went into reviewing the discovery terms, and then helping students with their outlines, describing to the class what was expected of them in their outlines and the basic format to which it should resemble.

Explain who covered this topic and any issues with the students on the topic.
Jeffery went over the last six discovery terms, encouraging the class to define the terms with him as he went along. Victor engaged student questions, and utilized the whiteboard as Jeffery went on to define each component.

I then went over the outline and described to the students what was expected of them from the outline and how it would help define their essays, and their futures. I made a point to emphasis that it was not to be a biography but rather a roadmap to their future; how computers and technology specifically from this course would help to encourage their success. I utilized the whiteboard to go across specific career endeavors that the students were interested in and did some classroom brainstorming. ( e.g. Cosmetologist, Receptionist, Truck Driver, and Social Worker) Jeffery used this time to visit each student and ensure that they were understanding the material, and could comprehend what they were being asked to do.

Most of the students utilized the lab time to open Mavis Beacon and practice both typing and navigation skills of the computer. When Jeffery reminded them that there would be a test on the 18th for the Discovery terms, and that the outlines were due the next class session. Many of the students began to work on those assignments. At which point many requested one on one clarification of the discovery terms trying to ensure that they had a proper understanding.

The remaining students are still very eager and are driven to complete the course to the best of their abilities. With guidance and support I have no doubt that the students will achieve their goals and many have expressed a desire to continue to utilize computers in a higher capacity

Saturday, May 8, 2010

CDD Class Report Cri-Help 5-4-10

Cri-Help / May 4, 2010

I covered the 1st topic for the lesson. I spent about 5 minutes reviewing Module 1 with the students, and I asked them to follow along in their manuals. Then, I went over the outline. I was surprised to hear from several of the students that they already started the outlines in the previous lesson, and one or two of them wanted to turn something in. I told the students to hold on to their outlines because they were due next week (not today), and we would be working on them during the lab sessions. I went over the “Making an Outline Lesson” in the manual, emphasizing the “Say it 3 times” rule, and explaining each section (opening statement, body, closing statement). I also created a handout with a simple outline example, which I gave each student to keep and use as a reference/guide.

Dwight covered the Computer Discovery Terms. He quickly reviewed the 1st 6 terms from the previous lesson, and then went on to lecture the next 6 terms. He brought in examples of each of the new 6 terms to show the class. By using an already open computer, he showed the class where they were located on the computer. Some students had questions about the computer parts, and so Dwight explained each term in more detail.


During the lab, group A was first to use the computers, and group B was the 2nd group. Dwight worked with the students who were on the computers, and I focused on working with the students to develop their outlines.

Dwight worked with each student on the computer. He showed them how to minimize/maximize and how to work with multiple windows open on the screen. Some students who already had Mavis-Beacon accounts started the typing lessons after the minimize/maximize exercises. The computer lesson went smoothly and each student seemed to be getting used to the computer. One student that didn’t know about dragging and dropping was excited that he could do it now, and he was even more excited to be able to minimize/maximize.

For the students working on the outlines, I had them get into their teams and discuss amongst themselves their outline topics. I went from group to group to talk about the outlines in detail, and I spoke with each student one-on-one to make sure they understood how to do an outline. As it turns out, several students didn’t know how to make an outline and didn’t understand the concept, so working with each student was very important. I gave an analogy of a skeleton to try to help them understand what an outline was. It helped for most, but there were 1 or 2 who still seemed confused. They wanted to write paragraphs and long sentences, so I had to keep telling them that they just needed to list their ideas in the outline. I also kept reemphasizing that this was their plan for the future and to try not to talk about the past, and also to incorporate the computer skills they were learning into the paper


Overall, I thought the lesson was successful. The students continue to show excitement and eagerness to learn, and working on the outlines opened up a lot of the students. They started to reveal a lot about themselves, and I felt touched that they were sharing this information so freely.