Wednesday, April 7, 2010

CDD Class Report Walden House 3-20-10

Walden House /03-20-2010

Students worked on their papers for the first half of class. Those who finished were shown how to make a blog post. There was a formatting problem with the submission form that I'll look into, but it didn't stop the students from posting. All remaining students finished their papers and some were able to type them as well.Unfortunately the CDD site went down (i.e. the Internet was working, but pages on the CDD site wouldn't load) after only three or four students made their blog posts. We checked several times during class to see if the site came back online, but it remained down for the whole class, so we gave all the students credit.

After break, Marlaina reviewed the email vocabulary words.

3RD TOPIC COVERED:Students then gave their presentations. I didn't think any of the presentations were fantastic, but they were all very solid, and many students had more concrete, actionable papers than those I've heard in the past.Kenneth was chosen to present since his paper was good, he was the most comfortable speaking in groups, and he was willing (wanted actually) to do it. William, who's paper was also very good, was chosen as the alternate.

The presentations actually ran until s few minutes after one, so although we were able to finish them, the papers, the blogs, and the email, we didn't have time to talk about graduation or do book project signups. But, I think the center will give them the graduation details and I know they can sign up for the book project at the ceremony.

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