Saturday, February 27, 2010

CDD Class Report Uhuru 2-23-10

Uhuru House /02-23-2010

Class started at 7PM.

We had 12 students in attendance. Three students have been asked to leave the facility for personal reasons.

Juan introduced himself and explained what he does and why he is a volunteer. Some students expressed interest in his military background.

Chris started out by briefly reviewing the first half of Module 1. He went over the desktop, Task Bar, icons, minimizing and maximizing windows, etc.

Chris then went over the outline and its purposes. He demonstrated a simple outline on the whiteboard by describing the steps to buy milk, with an introduction, body, and conclusion. This helped the students understand what is needed to complete an outline since many students were unsure. He also discussed possible topics for the papers.

Juan covered the next 6 Discovery Terms (video card, sound card, power supply, CD/DVD drive, modem, and monitor). The class took turns volunteering to read aloud the definitions. After a student read a definition, Juan led a short discussion about the item with examples.

Chris also reminded the students that their outlines were due the following Tuesday. It was stressed that the paper itself was not due, just the outline. Juan also stressed the importance of writing the outline as opposed to typing it so that it could be edited outside of class.

Lab time was spent in Mavis Beacon and/or working on the outlines. Many students needed guidance on the subject of their paper. Others needed help in honing their outlines.

The students seem to be on track to finish their outlines by the due date.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

CDD Class Report Walden 2-20-10

Walden House 2-20-2010

Derrin and Ethan each gave an introduction to begin the class. They talked about their backgrounds, experience with CDD, and why they volunteer. The students then also gave introductions, talking about what they wanted to get out of the class and, to break the ice, stating their favorite sports team.

Ethan then gave an overview of the class and discussed the course requirements (computer discovery test, the paper and presentation, maximum two absences, etc).

Ethan reviewed the computer discovery terms. Students seemed to remember them well from last week. He also took questions from a few students, so everyone understood the terms by the end of the class. He then reviewed the mouse. Students took notes on the mouse so that, when they needed to apply the information in lab time, it would make sense.

Derrin taught the first half of Module 1, going page by page through the workbook. He covered everything up through page 13. Students seemed to understand well and said that what Derrin was saying was obvious.

Derrin finished explaining the module and the students took a ten minute break. They all returned on time.

Derrin answered a few questions during the Q&A

In lab time, the group of students on the computers practiced their typing and worked on Windows, and the group not on computers started to brainstorm their papers. The students I worked with already seem to have a good sense of what they want to write about.

A couple students wanted to leave early because they had visitors; Ethan told them that they could, but that if they did, it would count as an absence. They decided to stay until the end.

So far, although it’s early, everyone in the class seems to be doing fine.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

CDD Class Report Cri-Help 2-16-10

Cri-Help / 02.16.10

Opening Comments:
Class began on time. Serg and Smriti introduced themselves to the class. We tried to get an idea of where the class stood with regard to their knowledge of computers. Students were divided into teams and groups and workbooks were handed out.

Based on the sheet provided to us by the CRI-HELP staff, one student (Enrique Silva) was not present. Richard Rojas was marked absent because he left class after the break. He said he was not feeling well and understood that he would be marked absent for this class. Markkis Sonier was marked absent cause he came in late after the break and would keep leaving the class in between lecture. Serg spoke to him about it and he said that he was not interested in attending the class because it was too basic for him. He said that he had spoken to his supervisor and his supervisor had agreed to let him drop the class.

An overview of the course was given. The structure of each class was explained. Students were explained the rules and expectations. Smriti spoke about the paper and presentation requirements for successful completion of the course

We went over the first six computer discovery terms and reviewed page viii (using the mouse) in the workbook


During lab time students were asked to demonstrate if they understood how to use the mouse and perform some very basic functions such as opening and closing applications etc. If they didn’t know how to perform these functions they were shown how to do it by an instructor.

Overall the class went smoothly. Most of the students seemed to be interested and eager to learn. They seemed to understand the rules and expectations.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

CDD Plan for Success- Student Story

Student Story by Gary Tillman
Session 6
December 15th 2009

Hello, my name is Gary, and I am (recovering) addict. I suffer from a disease that has affected all areas of my life. My mind, body, and spirit. This is a disease known amongst the Scientific and Medical Communities throughout the world as alcoholism and drug addiction. There are no known cures for these illnesses accept abstinence from the physical use of alcohol and drugs. Once this illness has been arrested, then the possibilities recovery is possible. Recovery is to gain that which I have lost. My ability to function in the normal aspect society has been hinder from my abuse of the chemicals I have used. Thank to such institutions such has Cri-Help who offers treatment for such a disease as well as behavioral modification. I am now able to start this process of my recovery. Living here in the facility provides me a safe environment, which allows me to obtain the tools of the 12 steps process that is needed to achieve sobriety. As well, Cri- Help offers various (other) opportunities to help one such as I to reenter in to society. In their working with CDD, one of those opportunities is learning how to use computers. The Basic Computer Program Class offer though CDD, which I am now involved in has shown me various ways of how the computers run and operate. I am learning that which has escaped me for so many years of computers; as well the more advance modern updates PC’s and Mac’s operating systems that control today’s markets in our society. Which will give me the knowledge and capabilities to navigate as well create my own web page. To access and gather information that can be vital and of use to me. Learning the language and terms that is become more and advance within this field as the computer industries grows.

My goals for obtaining such information are not only to use a computer properly, yet as well as to be able to use when I re-enter back into everyday (somewhat of) normal society. I am planning to return to college to obtain my Master Degree in the Medical field. Understanding that I will not only need just text books, but a lab top which is a computer that one can carry during classes and out of classes. I am able to access information from right where I sitting while lectures are going on. I’ll be able to do so many things with this technology at my disposal, that some of my classes I’ll be able to take without leave home.

As I am learning how to re-create my new found life with the12 steps recovery process and the help of such institutions such as Cri-Help and CDD. I am able to take hold of such great opportunities and structure my life to a better advancement without the usage of alcohol and drugs that has deterred me for so long. My gratitude to speak when I am no longer living in the problem, that I am now living in the solution. I have become a responsible and productive member of today’s standard society. Thanks to the help of Cri-Help and CDD for such opportunities. I am now able to live without the usage of alcohol and drugs.