Tuesday, January 12, 2010

CDD Keynote Speech at 12-15-09 Grad Ceremony

Vision Plan Execution (VPE)
by Duane Cofield

Like my introduction stated it has not always been this way. And I wondered what kind of story I could tell you today that would inspire you to achieve more, do more, and be the person you are destined to be. I was a little of everything:

Childhood- disrespectful to parents, low self-esteem, school nightmare, thought I knew it all. I got involved in Gangs and selling drugs at a very young age.

Early Adulthood- Drinking a fifth of Cognac every night, In and out of jail going t

Final Straw- Landed in prison (For only one thing of many that I was guilty of).

I was stuck, felony on my record, no job experience, and on parole with $200 to my name.

When I first decided that I wanted more out of life, when I first realized that the results I was getting were directly related to the mental picture that I had about success and myself. At that point all that I knew was that I had to change. I needed to establish a new vision of success, I need to find out how CEOs, athletes, actors, authors, basically everyone that I see achieving what some call impossible. I started my research by studying successful people, studying their habits, reading the books that they read, and doing the things that they do. I also read several self-help, motivational books, and autobiographies. The one thing that I immediately identified with, the one thing that reached out a grabbed me, they all had a vision. They had a vision of themselves in the role or job they are in many, many years before they were actually there.

Take a moment and close your eyes and visualize what your picture of success looks like. (Take 1 Minute)

What are you doing?
Who is with you?
What do you look like?
What are you driving?
Where do you live?
Where do you work?

This day, this graduation, this celebration of your accomplishments was vision of the founder (Kathleen), instructors. However it would not be possible without the Vision followed by the plan.

Once you have a vision of where you want to go and who you would like to become, you must put together a plan or establish goals.

Henry David Thoreau says “If one advances confidently in the direction of his or her dreams, and endeavors to live the life that which he or she has imagined, he or she will meet with a success unexpected, in common hours.

So we need to continue what got us here today, setting goals, believing that you can accomplish those goals, and working hard to achieve those goals.

Brian Tracy wrote a book that I read not too long ago called “Goals”. In the book he suggested a strategy that I use and have used with many of my goals. He suggested that you create two lists. The First list writes all of you major goals in order of importance, the number one goal being the most important. Transfer that number one goal to continue to explain the process.

This is by far the most difficult of the process of change. The actual work,

I had to change:

My Habits (I could no longer hang out every night)

My Internal Conversation (I had to speak belief and in the affirmative)

My Circle of Friends (Certain people were not good conversation or association)

Who I shared my dreams with (Dream Killers everywhere who will give you more reasons that you can give yourself on why you cant accomplish your goals)

My Inputs- Television, reading, topics in conversation, music, etc.

Why technology and computers are important?

Information- Whatever you need to know at the touch of a button. How to start at Business, Learning a New Language,
Education –Web based courses, get your PHD on-line.
Web Based business- E-Commerce, Clothing, Web Design, (You can be a big as you want on the internet). Video Production and editing.

In closing I would like to recite a quote from OG Mandino.
The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of setting goals and achieving them. Even the most tedious chore will become endurable as you parade through each day convinced that every task, no matter how menial or boring, brings you closer to fulfilling your dreams.
Og Mandino

I wish you the best on your journey, and I will see you at the TOP.

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