Saturday, September 5, 2009

CDD End of Course Report Walden House 8-25-09

Instructor End of Course Report

Center Name: Walden house

Beginning Date: July 21 2009

Graduation Date: Aug 25th 2009

Names of the four Instructors: Dawn, Austin, Eric and Chris

This session started out with 12 students. The class was evenly divided between students who knew a bit about computers and students who didn’t know too much. The students were a little intimidated at the beginning but eventually got used to the grove of things. Austin and I started off the session on July 21st. Austin was great at asking the students to take notes, reminding them constantly of the quiz date as well as their various assignment due dates. We also thoroughly went over the rules and regulations with the students.

Most of the class had worked very briefly on a computer before but was not too proficient. Albert was probably the only student in the class with an advanced knowledge in computers. Nonetheless the students were very enthusiastic about learning computer software and hardware. They thoroughly enjoyed Austin’s explanation of discovery terms. Almost everybody caught on really quick to practically using the computer. In a short period of time they learned to use the mouse, play around with the desktop icons and the various software related modules we went over during the session.

Most of the students didn’t mind the fast pace setting of the class. Johnny was a little slow at picking up things but Chris and Eric did an awesome job at giving him special attention and helping him catch up to the rest of the class.

All the students improved and learned a lot in this class. Michael, who presented was enthusiastic from the beginning of the class. He didn’t know too much about computers but had a heart willing to learn. He was very attentive in class and did well on all the assignments and the quiz. We teachers couldn’t have been happier with his presentation during graduation. He was very thankful to all the volunteer teachers. Another student who surprised me was Greg. Though he was very talented in writing, he was quite intimidated by computers. He initially had a very long paper and after working with all of us teachers he cut it short to about 500 words which in itself was a huge triumph. But to top it all he also typed his paper up by the last class and submitted it to Eric and Chris. This is a huge victory for him because he types really slow and did not know too much about using word.

Over all the session was good and went smoothly. Even though we were sad to see only half the initial class graduate, we were proud of the students who stuck it out and graduated.

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