Sunday, November 29, 2009

CDD Class Report Walden 11-28-09

Walden House / 11-28-09

Opening Comments:

Class started on time and all attending students were punctual.


We had 10 students in attendance. Raymond Carillo was absent and Von Hobbs is apparently out of the Walden House program


We went over the agenda of the day with the students and collected missing outlines.


Mark reviewed the last 5 computer discovery terms.


Introduced the 1st half of Module 2 to the students ending with dialog boxes


Mark covered pages 1 through 4 of the microsoft word document


All students returned promptly from break. We had all the students type and save their title pages. The rest of the lab time was spent working on papers and for the students who had finished, typing up those papers.

Students were reminded to study the Computer Discovery terms for a matching quiz to be given on 12/1. They were also reminded that the class was quickly coming to an end and to try to get their paper handwritten in the next week or so. It was a great class. Donald Foster has really stepped up and is helping us a lot with the class.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

CDD Class Report Cri-Help 11-21-09

Cri-Help / 11-21-09

Opening Comments:
Class began on time. Robert introduced himself to the class and spent some time getting to know the students.

Attendance was taken, all students on time. Robert will be sending the attendance sheet

Robert spoke about the outline and addressed students’ questions. Examples were given, and random students were selected to share their ideas. These ideas were then discussed a group, to give the remaining students a better idea of what would be expected of them.

Matthew reviewed the discovery terms and emphasized the upcoming quiz, and the need for students to be able to use these terms. Afterwards, the remaining concepts of Module One were reviewed.


Lab time was spent by many students reviewing Mavis Beacon, and completing the exercises on page 25 of their books. Randomly we asked students about their outlines and what they would be discussing.

Friday, November 20, 2009

CDD Class Report Uhuru 11-17-09

Uhuru House /11-17-2009

Class started at 7PM.

We had 13 students in attendance. Harold Holliday was absent and may have left the facility.

Erick introduced himself since it was his first time teaching this group of students. The students welcomed Erick.

Chris started out by briefly going over the first half of Module 1 as a review. He explained the desktop, Task Bar, icons, etc.

Chris then went over the outline and its purposes. He demonstrated a simple outline on the whiteboard by describing the steps to buy milk, with an introduction, body, and conclusion. This helped the students understand what is needed to complete an outline since many students were unsure.

Erick reviewed the first 6 Discovery Terms and then covered the next 6 Discovery Terms (from the Short Terms listing). To clarify, the terms covered were: keyboard, CPU, RAM, motherboard, mouse, case, hard drive, CD/DVD drive, sound card, cables, video card, and operating system.
The class was actively participating in talking about each term.

Chris covered important dates:
Outline due: Nov 24
Discovery Terms test: Dec 1
Presentations start: Dec 8
Graduation: Dec 15

Lab time was spent in Mavis Beacon and/or working on the outlines. Many students needed guidance on the subject of their paper. Others needed help in honing their outlines.

Chris replaced the keyboard for Stacey with a new one. Samuel needed (and still needs) help using a mouse – his navigation skills are very limited and double-clicking the mouse is quite difficult. Lynn let Patrice (they share a computer) use the computer first with the premise that she would get to use the computer first (instead of Patrice) on Saturday. So Saturday team please ensure that Lynn uses the computer first. Also, the outlines are due on Tuesday the 24th making this Saturday their last chance to get help on finishing them up. Thus, there should be some emphasis on completing the outlines.
And thanks to Loryn for creating the seating chart, it helped immensely!

Monday, November 16, 2009

CDD Class Report Uhuru 11-14-09

House of Uhuru / 11/14/09

Opening Comments:

Class went as planned with no major incidents. Students needed to be reminded that computers are needed to stay off during the lecture portion of the class. Seating arrangements may need to be adjusted to make grouping a bit easier. 


All but one of the students attended the class. One student was marked as absent.


Loryn and I both introduced ourselves and gave a little bit of our background. The students seem to have a good understanding of the rules and expectations, as well as the attendance policy. 


The first topic was Windows Basics. Most of the students had trouble understanding what DOS is. It was explained to them as an early operating system that did not use a mouse or a graphical interface, and needed to be utilized by typing commands in the command prompt. 
 Covered by Robert.


The second topic was Typical Windows Icons. Students were taught about the most commonly used icons, with emphasis on the My Computer, My Documents and Recycle Bin icons. A couple students wanted to know more about the functionality about the Network Neighborhood and Connect to the Internet icons. These icons were explained, but let the students know that they probably wouldn't be using those too often.



All of the additional topics were covered by Loryn.
 The remaining topics that were covered were The Windows Screen, Using the Taskbar, Accessing Help. The students seemed to grasp these topics as Loryn explained them in a very proficient and in a manner that was very easy to understand. Also, the first six discovery words were reviewed again. 


The lab was split into two groups. Half of the class was to work on their outline, while the other half went through a computer exercise. The students seemed to be nervous about the outline, although Loryn was able to calm them down and step them through the brainstorming process. They were also let known that the outline is not to be due until Nov. 24th. I created a simple exercise for the students to learn how to save a document, be able to view it in the My Documents folder and how to drag and drop it into the recycling bin. Most students were able to get through the lab smoothly. 


It seems that Samuel has no experience using a computer and has trouble navigating the mouse. Some special attention may be needed for him to get up to speed. The computer with the Microsoft keyboard as mentioned by Chris in the previous report seems to have a keyboard error when booting. This can be remedied by pressing the "help" key that is located where the F1 key normally is.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

CDD Class Report Walden 11-10-09

Walden House / 11-10-09

Opening Comments:

There were two people who were not on the attendance list that tried to join in


All students showed up that were registered, about half of the students came from anotherlocation and were 10mins late.


Both instructors introduced themselves, speaking about volunteering, and computer backgrounds.


Marco led from the introduction, going around the room to ask students what they hope to learn and then with manuals distributed, went over the rules and regulations in a stern and firm manner.


The required paper and presentation were discussed by Soni. The class followed along, reading from the manual.


The first discovery words were covered after break, with Marco showing the class the inside of the computer and parts. The analogy of a car was used repeatedly to further
explain the ideas. The class was asked to come up with an example of RAM and they used the example of a cup of water from a jug of water.


Students turned on the monitor and computer. There was one computer for each student, with only one group of two. The mouse was then explained, with left button being the primary button and right button, being the secondary. Students then practiced click and drag, using the icons on the desktop.


While lab time was brief for this week, students were already showing excitement, not wanting class to be over. The wrap us was given by Soni, sharing the graduation ceremony news, reminding student to please not miss more than two classes.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

CDD Class Report Cri-Help 11-10-09

Cri-Help / 11.10.09

Opening Comments:
Smriti and Tyson introduced themselves to the class and spent a few minutes getting to know the class and assess their skill level.

An employee from crihelp informed Tyson that there was 1 student that had opted out of the class. There was also a student who decided to leave the class within 5 minutes, her name was Laticia.

We covered the class rules and went over all of the class assignments. Answered all questions related to those topics

The first 6 discovery terms were discussed. Use of the mouse was also discussed. Answered all questions related to those topics

Assigned groups

Spent time with each student individually during lab time to help them with navigated basic computer applications with the mouse. Most students spent time on mavis beacon

3 students have very little computer skills. The rest of the students have a decent grasp on basic computer usage. Class was well behaved.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

CDD Announces Special Presentation

CDD Slideshow Presentation

We are pleased to announce the publishing of CDD's Book of Photos and Bios called “One Bright Light”; Profiles in Success. The book is due to be published in the Spring of 2010. In advance of the publishing we will be conducting a series of promotional events that will include published articles in local magazines, gallery showings of photos, book signings and radio spots.

The first part in the series will be a slideshow presentation about the book. This show will include photos taken by photographer Mark Hanauer of some of CDD's Success Stories and the Bios written by Jeff Nicosia. The photos are exceptional in quality and the stories are well written and inspirational. But it is the lives of the CDD Alumni that make this book so special.

We are taking the presentation into homes and halls for the next few months. Along with the slideshow there will be an Intro by a CDD Member and a talk by one of the students featured in the book. It's a special opportunity to see the photos up close and meet CDD members in your own home or office shared with guests selected by you the host.

Presentations are available to be shown to your group of 10 people or more booking now through February 2010. Reserve your night soon as the dates are filling up quickly. Contact us with your questions or to book your show at Place “CDD Presentation” in the subject line. There is no cost to you. CDD provides all of the materials for free while you sit back and enjoy the show.

A link to an abbreviated version of the presentation has been posted in the CDD You Tube Channel here

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

CDD Graduation Ceremony 10-20-09

Graduation Event Wrap Up

Session Beginning Date: September 15, 2009

Graduation Date: October 20, 2009

Location: 2200 Virginia Ave Santa Monica, CA 90404

Time: 7:00 to 9:00pm

Emcee: Chris Liu

Guest Speakers: Katy Porter

Names of Instructors:

Cri-Help: Smriti, Tyson, Robert, Francis

Walden House: Joanne, Jonathan, Dawn,Derin

House of Uhuru: Chris, Dan, Kaoru, Paul

The Ceremony began with the Emcee; Chris Liu’s, welcoming the graduates and guests. Chris congratulated the graduates and then detailed the night’s events. Chris, who has been teaching the CDD classes for the past two sessions, expressed how much he enjoyed teaching and meeting the students and wished them all future success. Following Chris’ introduction, Katy Porter, our Guest Speaker took the stage. Katy’s motivational speech inspired everyone in the audience. Her speech concentrated on having a focus on goals and taking positive steps to accomplish them. Kathy used a story about a boy with a goal to be an astronaut, in the story the boy does anything necessary to achieve his goal, during his quest to become an astronaut he becomes an eye Doctor and discovers he’s a decent Doctor. Kathy’s story concentrated on achieving your goals and discovering new things along the way.

Our first Student Speaker was from House of Uhuru, followed by Walden House and Cri-Help center. Each of the three student speakers read their 500-word papers in front of the audience. Their experiences were touching and expressive, acknowledging CDD’s positive role in their lives. Uhuru had a very dedicated speaker, one who through his speech, showed he was ready to get back what he has lost. The Speaker from Walden House was very lively and inspiring. Cri-Help’s representative had the most heart-warm story out of the three; she spoke about her family and marriage. Throughout the ceremony, Mark Hanauer the CDD Event’s Photographer, walked about capturing the moment of each of the Speakers; Audience and Guests. To Conclude the Ceremony, CDD Staff and two personnel from each of the centers stood inline on stage as each of the students were called to receive their certificates.

At the end of the ceremony, The Students and their guest along with the CDD Instructors and facility personnel from each of the centers enjoyed refreshments, took pictures and socialized among themselves. The ceremony over all was smooth and well organized. The Guests enjoyed themselves afterwards in a relaxed environment. The Graduating Students made the night shine with pride as seen by their many smiling faces.