Wednesday, October 28, 2009

CDD Course Report Cri-Help 10-20-09

Instructor End of Course Report

Center Name: CRI-HELP

Beginning Date: 09/15/09

Graduation Date: 10/20/09

Names of the four Instructors: Smriti, Tyson, Robert, Francis

The course spanned six weeks with classes twice a week, on Tuesdays and Saturdays. At the beginning of the course the instructors were given a handout outlining the lesson plan for each of the classes during the six weeks. In addition, after each class the instructors had to email an attendance sheet and a report for that class to the entire team. Since there was a different set of instructors for the Tuesday and Saturday classes the handout and reports were very helpful as they helped keep the entire team on the same page with regard to the progression of the course.

The course started with teaching students the absolute basics in computers (eg: computer parts, common terms associated with computers, using a keyboard, using the mouse, etc.) and then showing them how to access the internet and type in Microsoft Word, and ended with the students having to complete and present a 500 page paper (preferably typed in Microsoft Word) about their future plans once they have completed their rehabilitation program.

Students in the class came from different backgrounds with different levels of experience with computers. While some had never touched a computer in their lives, others had experience typing reports and memos and even fixing computers and setting up computer networks in offices. Trying to get the entire class on the same level while making sure that everyone found it interesting and gained something from the course, was, in my opinion, the biggest challenge the instructors faced. Some students felt that the course was a waste of their time and they could attend other group meetings that help them overcome their addiction. However, on speaking with Kathleen it was found that many of the students were in the course because they had never completed anything after starting, in their lives. This was something new, at least for me, as I had never come across such a situation before in my life.

Another challenge that the instructors (especially the Tuesday team) faced was getting the students to be obedient and respectful of the teachers and each other. Cri-Help has students from Cri-Help and Socorro, and it was the tendency of the students to stick together based on their rehab center. This problem was overcome by dividing them into two groups with each group containing students from both centers. This forced them to work with each other and get to know students from the other rehab center. In addition, the instructors had to be strict with them and had to reinforce the idea that if class rules were not followed and they were not obedient, they shall not be allowed to graduate.

Working with these students was an interesting experience. Many of us read about people with addiction problems but actually knowing such people and interacting with them is a different experience. Seeing them and their families on graduation day and how appreciative the students were of CDD, their instructors, and their rehabilitation centers, was very enlightening. I hope to come back and be a part of the program for the next session.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

CDD Course Report Uhuru 10-20-09

Instructor End of Course Report

Center Name: House of Uhuru

Beginning Date: 9/15/2009

Graduation Date: 10/20/2009

Names of the four Instructors: Kaoru, Paul, Daniel Chris

The session started out with 14 students with a few of them having had experience using computers and the rest being completely new to the computer. One student in particular (Annette) was very intimidated by the computer.

The session started off well, with instructors Dan and Chris teaching the Computer Discovery terms to some very enthusiastic students. The students were happy to learn the difference between memory (RAM) and hard drive, as well as seeing a motherboard for the first time. Paul joined us as an instructor a couple of classes into the session but was able to pick up easily and helped Kaoru teach the rest of the session. Throughout the course, students were able to learn the mouse, cutting and pasting, copying and dragging, MS Windows, the ins and outs of MS Word, and the Internet. By the end of the course, students were ready to jump onto the Internet to search for various items to help their journey – jobs, apartments, schools.

James was inspired to apply at LA Trade Tech to learn computer repair. Demetrus, who already knew a lot about computers, was disruptive towards the beginning of the session but calmed down enough to help a couple of students type their papers. He ended up presenting his own paper at graduation to thunderous applause.

Annette, who initially struggled, worked very hard to complete her paper and happily graduated with her colleagues. She plans to use the computer to track expenses in her future fabric store business. Other students did similarly well, building on their existing knowledge of computers. Tameka intends to use her newfound skills to promote her hairdressing talent. Tony, Allen, and Raymond developed their mouse using capabilities (a difficult thing for someone who has never used a mouse before). Allen even learned how to change his mouse settings so that he can use his mouse with his preferred hand (left). Most students also improved their typing skills, utilizing the class to practice on the Mavis Beacon typing software. Osbaldo had a tougher time than most because English is his second language. He persevered though and was able to graduate and receive his certificate.

All in all 9 students graduated, each with new skills developed in the class. Even though a couple of students left the facility and other students could not complete the class for personal reasons, we were very proud of the students who did stay and ‘stick it out’ for the 6 weeks. Both the staff at House of Uhuru and the CDD instructors (Kaoru, Paul, Dan, and Chris) gave them huge congratulations at graduation.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

CDD Class Report Uhuru 10-17-09


House of Uhuru/10-17-2009

Class started at 11am.

We had 7 students in attendance. Richard and Patricia have left Uhuru House. James and Tameka were absent. Twyla attended the class even though she was absent 3 times already.

We started with presentations that were not completed on Tuesday. Twyla started first, then Osbaldo, and then Annette.

After the presentation, we tried to collect all papers from the students. Since network was not working, we decided to collect papers as printed hard copy. Paul carried around the printer next to students’ pc one by one to print out typed papers. Demetrus helped carrying the printer around. Demetrus also helped finding extra blank papers when we got out of papers in the printer. Among all students (except Richard), Annette and Osbaldo are only students who could not finish typing.

We started to review all the materials they have learned in this class. Kaoru asked students what they have learned, and many students could quickly answer many topics we have covered. Paul asked some specific questions to see if they really understand the material. (e.g. What is the difference between application and program, what is the difference between WWW and the Internet, etc.) In addition, Paul emphasized the importance of using Cut, Copy, and Paste, as well as saving documents to make sure they know how to operate.

After break, we started to lecture Email Vocabulary. Kaoru explained basics and Paul explained in detail. (e.g. Paul wrote his email address on the white board and explained how each email address consists of, he wrote sample email format on the board and explained which topics go which. (Address, Subject, body, Signature), also he asked students what are good user name/password, and what are bad ones. etc) We’ve covered all 15 vocabulary. Although they could not get to use actual email system, many students seemed to understand these vocabularies quite well.

After that, we announced the class that Demetrus will be the presenter at graduation, and Raymond is alternate. We congratulate all the graduates and told them dress nicely on the event.

Before class is over, Paul explained about CDD Alumni book project, and asked students if they are interested in the project. Demetrus, Raymond, Allen, and Osbaldo signed in. In addition, Paul took Twyla aside and talked with her about her absence. At that moment, we as an instructor agreed to ask Kathleen for making exception to graduate Twyla. As for Richard, who has left the UH already but completed all the assignments except to turn in his paper, we talked to Counselor to tell him to bring his paper on graduation day.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

CDD Class Report Walden House 10-17-09

Walden House /10-17-2009

Opening Comments:

The final class started on time. Dawn is “illing” so I covered the class solo.

We had 7 students in attendance. Jimmy and James were unable to attend.


I took roll and laid out the agenda for the day.


We reviewed the prescribed 15 words in the Email vocabulary


I had all attending students present their papers.


Lab time was spent having the students who hadn’t finish their papers work on that. We have 6 typed up papers which are attached with this report.

The class went very well. The students are excited about the upcoming graduation. David Chase was marked off as having completed his paper on Tuesday. He unfortunately misplaced the paper so he did not turn in a paper today.

After listening to the presentations, I concur with the Tuesday team’s assertion that Eric B. is the ideal presenter for the class. I would also like to recommend Shawn S. as the alternate.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

CDD Class Report Uhuru 10-6-09

Uhuru House /10-06-2009

Class started at 7PM. Students were anxious about the quiz on Computer Discovery Terms.

We had 12 students in attendance. Jamie Alexander has left Uhuru House. Sedrict Shyn was absent.

The students were asked if they wanted to take the quiz at the beginning of class or after the break. It was decided to take the quiz at the beginning so that the students could get it over with and also to avoid any distractions of students trying to study for the quiz during class.

After the quiz, Chris went over the second half of Module 2. He went over Cut, Copy, and Paste, and had students try cutting and copying/pasting words and phrases in Word. He also showed students how to cut and copy/paste a folder in My Documents. During this time, Daniel graded the quizzes.

Daniel then went over MS Word. He talked about headers/footers, fonts, page layouts, and page views. We went row by row among the tables and had students change their fonts and page views. We also took this opportunity to have the students demonstrate their skills at cutting and copying/pasting.

We also went over dialog boxes and had students change their page layout into various formats – landscape/portrait, letter/legal size, and different margins.


Besides lecture and the quiz, most of the class time was spend doing hands-on exercises on the computer, mostly in MS Word. Students practiced cutting and pasting and changing their fonts (style, size, and color).

Demetrus was spoken to about listening to music during class. He said that he will stop. Internet access was unavailable. He also spent most of the class time typing his paper since he is already knowledgeable about the topics that were covered. The “Internet” light on the modem does not light up which could possibly mean that there is no Internet – last week when the Internet was working, that light was green. The device was rebooted and both jacks on the DSL line were tried. None of the computers were able to access the Internet. Perhaps the tech savvy Saturday team could take a look.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

CDD Class Report Walden House 10-10-0-9

Walden House /10-10-2009

Opening Comments:
The 4th Saturday class started on time. All attending students were in class on time.

We had 9 students in attendance. Javier Herrera has dropped out of the class

We took roll and laid out the agenda for the day.

We went over public speaking and presentations. We covered off on the Do’s and Don’ts of a good presentation.

Dawn reviewed the Internet materials

We skipped break and continued right into lab time. Most of the students have finished handwriting their papers and are now typing them. We spent lab time helping them out with their papers.

The class went very well. Still very drama-free!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

CDD Class Report Walden House 10-3-09

Walden House /10-3-2009

Opening Comments:
The3rd Saturday class started on time. All attending students were in class on time.

We had 9 students in attendance. Joe Gates had a pass and was unable to attend

We took roll and laid out the agenda for the day.

We reviewed the last 5 computer discovery terms.

Dawn reviewed the 2nd half of module two starting covering the menu and dialog box topics

We covered the first 4 pages of the MS Word demonstration document discussing word processing, in general and MS word specifically.

Lab time was spent going over the suggested practice exercises. We had the student create word documents; create personal folders in “my documents” and save their documents. We also showed them how to access their saved documents.

The class went very well. The students were a bit nervous about the upcoming quiz but we were able to reassure them that nothing would be outside of the scope of what had been covered in class so far. The class is coming along nicely. One thing to note though, Steve Protillo might have some literacy issues as he struggled with spelling common words.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

CDD Class Report Cri-Help 10-3-09

Cri-Help/Oct.03, 2009

Opening Comments:

Class started on time with eight students in class, the five where present at the premises but they had issues to sort out before coming to class and two where absent ( Kingsey Campbell , Theresa Banales). Ten minutes later the five came to class . Robert discussed today's topic in broad terms. Work books where given out by both Instructors(Robert & Francis).

There were thirteen students in total all from both groups (Socorro and Cri-help).


Robert reviewed model 2 , Terms in Computer Discovery, Topics in the workbook up through page 34 putting more Emphasis on Dialog Boxes, working with the mouse ,keyboard and used examples from Ms-Word..


Francis briefly went through MS-Word with he students a long in the work book up to page 4. and explained that muc of it will be carried out during Lab Time

There was no additional topics covered.


The students where divided into two groups where by each group had Aprox. 20min for hands on training on Computer , (eg. Typing using Ms-word Program) it was taken care of by Francis, then 20min completing their paper and presentation assignments was discussed by -Robert.


Two students handled in their outline paper that is Devin Parker and Susan Holzborn , then two where discharged from the center (Gabriel Gonzalez and Kingsey Campbell).